Is your organization ready to build and sustain youth-adult partnership?

Self-eval cover

you wouldn’t run a marathon without making sure you were ready. is your organization equipped for a ‘couch to 5k’ or to run the marathon of building and sustaining authentic youth adult partnership?

If you think your organization is ready to build and sustain authentic youth-adult partnership, this Self-Evaluation Tool for Organizations will give you a good idea whether you’re right. You can use it as a stand-alone self-evaluation or as the start of a full organizational audit of readiness for youth-adult partnership.

The self-evaluation checks your organization on eight measures of readiness to build and sustain youth-adult partnership.

  1. A Compelling “Why”

  2. Champion(s) In Place to Lead Youth Engagement Efforts

  3. Organization-wide Buy In Supports Partnership with Youth

  4. Governing and Day-to-day Documents Demonstrate Respect for Youth and Community Engagement

  5. Open, Trusted Relationship with Youth and Community

  6. Existing Organizational Management Sets the Stage for Learning and Power Sharing

  7. Budget Decisions Equitably Resource People

  8. Data and Evaluation Practices Support Accountability

Have questions or ready for more support? I’m happy to have an introductory call to talk through application or interpretation of the self-evaluation. Email me to schedule.